At 23% I'm doing great!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Another idiot on imamother

Idiots on are fairly commonplace. A couple weeks ago, someone on the site asked whether she should go back to work so that she'll have insurance. Seems pretty straightfoward right? Apparently not. I can't believe that it's more important to be a SAHM than have insurance. Don't people realize that emergencies happen all the time and it's better to be safe than sorry?

I responded that even though I'm healthy, recently I've undergone many tests that, without insurance, would've cost a lot. I'm not sure exactly how expensive the tests are because I HAVE INSURANCE.

In response, some moron started this thread titled
"What do you consider to be good health?"

Imamother member said, Someone posted:
"In the past couple months alone I've had an echocardiogram, gone to the doctor twice, and had blood work done. I have to go for more blood work in a couple months AND have an ultrasound (or something like that) of my thyroid, AND followup again with the doctor."

then she wrote:
"I'm very healthy - but things come up all the time that are best to get checked out."

Things come up all the time and that's called being "very healthy"?! an echocardiagram? blood work? ultrasound? Am I the only one who thinks this does not sound like being "very healthy"?"

Is this person a complete moron? Isn't it normal for a good doctor to check out anything that might be amiss? People find lumps, get them biopsied and this doesn't mean they're unhealthy. They're just edging on the safe side of caution and checking out things IN CASE there may be a problem. It's always better to check out possible issues because if there IS a problem, it's better to catch it early.

I don't see what this poster is getting at. Most people with half a brain understand that someone can be perfectly healthy even though they're having some tests done. A good doctor will order blood work every year to check out his/her patient's cholesterol - and this doesn't mean the patient isn't healthy!

How do people have so much to talk about?

How are people able to write so much in their blog on a day to day or even a weekly basis? I've been away from my blog for nearly a year, and I don't have much to report.

Today I went to get the first part of a thyroid uptake and scan. I have no idea what they did, all I know is that I had to swallow a pill that contains dye, come back in two hours and then they did something else. Tomorrow I have to go back and they'll give me an injection and do something that'll take about a half hour. I mean to google the procedure so I'd actually know what they did, but I forgot. I'll look it up after I finish this.

I went to my doctor for a regular checkup and he said that my thyroid is enlarged and wanted to check it out. Every doctor that I've gone to has always mentioned this to me, and I've had blood work done several times to make sure everything's ok. This doctor just wants to be extra careful and even though my blood work was fine (again), he wants to check things out.

Hopefully everything will be fine. I mean, my thyroid's been this size for years, so it should be ok.

Alright, I'm sure nobody really wants to hear about my thyroid so I'll sign off now. Although this post gave me an idea for another post, so hopefully I'll get to that soon.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


When I got married, I weighed 133 pounds. No, I didn't gain weight after marriage. After I turned 22 and began working full-time at a desk, extra pounds slowly krept up on me. It took over a year before I noticed my svelt new body! I didn't own a scale, and most of my clothing stretched with me. I finally noticed my newly expanded body when I started wearing my summer wardrobe. Some stuff didn't fit anymore. I figured that I would easily shed the weight. After all, I'd always been able to eat anything (and tons of it) and never gained a pound!

I guess age and my fairly sedentary lifestyle caught up with me. After I got married, and received a scale as wedding present, I realized how much weight I'd gained. I'm 5' and used to weigh around 110. At 133, everyone could tell that I'd become rather chunky. After hearing too many people mention that I looked a little heavier, I decided a major lifestyle change was in order!

Since I'd always been able to eat lots of junk and never gained, I needed to learn how to eat properly. This lesson has taken me nearly 2 years to learn. I've slowly learned how to portion out my food and read nutrition labels. I started off my weight loss journey by cutting out all junk food. I've always been one devour cookies and cheese crunchies and loads of other junk during the work day. It was a very sad day when I realized that I had to stop eating all this.

I think that cutting out snacks took off 5 pounds. I also tried out the South Beach diet which didn't work out for me b/c I was always hungry and couldn't keep to such a strict lifestyle (although I did lose a few pounds on that as well). I joined the JCC, but didn't stick with it. I tried the Special K diet, and lost around 4 pounds.

4 months ago I joined another gym and began working out 4-5 times a week. This, together with keeping to a good diet (or just eating correctly) has helped me close in on my goal. It's also helped that I have high cholesterol and I'm on a low-fat diet - which basically amounts to following the food pyramid and eating a balanced diet. It's very easy to stick to.

I currently weigh 117 and my goal is 108. Hopefully I'll get there soon!